Freedom & Responsibility
At MST, all students have the freedom to develop and grow within an environment appropriate to his/her age. By having the freedom (within limits) to choose what activity to do and how long to do it, all students (from the youngest children in our care to the oldest) learn how to become independent and disciplined in their work.
The freedom that the students enjoy exists within the context of the class and school community and so when a student struggles to be productive, the limits of the classroom and the community provide additional support to the student until he or she can be productive on their own.
Students freely choose what to work on, who to work with, and where to work, but they must choose work. This is the concept of freedom within limits. We give them the freedom to make these choices so that they learn the discipline to work on their own and feel intrinsically satisfied with the work they do.
- Maria Montessori