2025-2026 Academic Year Key Dates are now available.
Declare your intention to continue at MST or otherwise by answering a “Yes” or “No” question by Friday, 7 February on OpenApply.
Invoices will be issued shortly and a non-refundable deposit of 10% of annual tuition for 2025-2026 (fee schedule here) is payable by Monday, 10 February.
Families with siblings who wish to join in August this year should apply on OpenApply by Friday, 31 January.
To guarantee your child(ren)'s place for the next academic year, complete the re-enrolment form and pay the non-refundable deposit by the due date.
Email for questions.
MST continually receives applications for enrolment from prospective families due to arrive in the summer. In order to know which new families we can accept, we need to know how many places will become available.
Declaring Intention to Re-enrol
Please declare your intention for the 2025-2026 academic year (Key Dates here) by Friday, 7 February 2025. You will receive an email from OpenApply shortly so please confirm your child(ren)’s re-enrolment following the directions there. Even if you are considering withdrawing from our school, we kindly request that you select the "No" to inform us of your decision.
Tuition Deposit
As in previous years, we will require a non-refundable deposit from all families in order to hold a place for your child(ren) for the next academic year. An invoice for the deposit amount—which is 10% of the annual tuition and is payable by Monday, 10 February—will be issued later this week to all families unless you have already notified the school that you will not be re-enrolling. The revised tuition fee schedule for the 2025-2026 academic year can be found here. Without the deposit, there can be no guarantee of a place for the next academic year.
Securing Sibling Enrolment
Families with siblings who wish to join MST in August 2025, should submit the registration of interest form and application form through your older child(ren)’s record(s) on OpenApply by Friday, 31 January 2025 in order to receive priority placement above incoming families. Please note that we do need an official application (rather than commitments made verbally or via email) in order to determine the appropriate placement of students for the next academic year.
We understand that it is not always possible to know with certainty what your own personal situation will be six months in advance. Families that choose not to commit by the payment deadline are very welcome to stay in touch with the Admissions Office ( and request enrolment updates on a periodic basis, but please understand that it is only by completing the form AND finalising payment of the non-refundable deposit by the due date that your child(ren)'s place for the next academic year can be secured. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
We appreciate your help and cooperation as we coordinate our enrolment, class planning, and faculty recruitment for 2025-2026.
MST Admissions